NashCo: Crafting Reality Through Photography
Home » Photography » 003 Crafting Reality Through Photography – Chris and Leah of NashCO

003 Crafting Reality Through Photography – Chris and Leah of NashCO

Chris and Leah of NashCO

Leah Nash and Christopher Onstott are Portland, Oregon’s dynamic duo of lifestyle photography. Together they form NashCO a 3-year-old photography agency that has already made a name for itself through amazing work and high-profile clients. They’ve worked with Apple, NPR, the New York Times, Google, and Air BnB–to name a few. You can view NashCo’s work on their website

Leah and Christopher impart their approach to lifestyle photography, and give invaluable advice on how to work with photographers on creative projects. As well as how you can elevate design and web work with pro photography. Be sure to stick around for the takeaways at the end of the show.

As always, be sure to Creative Agency Podcast and write a glowing review. If you have any questions or thoughts about this episode let me know in the comments below.

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