Hi There! I’m Chris Bolton
I’m an agency grower who has worn and wears many hats including: Freelancer, Marketer, SEO Specialist, Podcaster, Copywriter, Brand Strategy Director, and Executive Web Director. I’ve been working at the intersection of branding, marketing, digital, and business development for over 20 years.
Oh yeah, my brother and I took an agency from 0 to 3.5 million in a reasonable amount of time. This one: Murmur Creative.
My Podcast
This group grew out of a podcast called . . . . wait for it . . . The Creative Agency Podcast.
Check it out here: The Creative Agency Podcast
More About Me?
I live in Portland, OR. I have ADHD. I’m a sci-fi fan, occasional musician and song writer, and the proud father of a pre-teen, who is absolutely obsessed with One Piece manga.
“The One Piece is reaaaaal!”