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Louder Than Ten

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Rachel Gertz is a Co-founder and Direc­tor of Deliv­ery and Growth at Loud­er Than Ten. She helps small to medi­um sized dig­i­tal agen­cies trans­form their dig­i­tal PM oper­a­tions through hands-on train­ing and con­sult­ing. Rachel helps own­ers, direc­tors, project lead­ers, and deliv­ery teams align their strate­gic approach to projects so they can ful­fill their role in gen­er­at­ing rev­enue and cut­ting down expens­es to cre­ate health­i­er, hap­pi­er, long last­ing teams — through a peo­ple first lens. Her mis­sion at Loud­er Than Ten is to pro­pel tech work­ers through an uncer­tain future by train­ing dig­i­tal com­pa­nies how to give pow­er to the peo­ple lead­ing their projects.

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